Friday, May 13, 2011


In an effort to praise the devil and usurp the rise of all of these bastard Castle Churches, we've amassed an army of darkness and death metal. Below is an unholy sampling in the traditional dark lords tongue.

Ohhhh We Call upon the Dark Saviour: Shataan, Abaddon, Accuser, Adversary, Angel of light, Angel of the bottomless pit, Anointed, covering cherub, Antichrist, Apollyon, Beast, Beelzebub, Belial, Deceiver, Dragon, Enemy Evil one, Father of lies, God of this age, King of Babylon, King of the bottomless pit, King of Tyre, Lawless one, Leviathan, Liar, Little horn,Man of sin, Roaring lion, Rulers of the darkness, Man of sin Power of darkness,Prince of the power of the air, Ruler of demons, Ruler of this world, Son of perdition, Star, Tempter, Thief, Wicked One...make this reality

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